
[International Conference] Yongsoo Cho, Kyo-Beum Lee, Mengqiu Li, Joong-Ho Song, and Youngil Lee, "Novel Torque Predictive Control for a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor with Minimum Torque Ripple and Fast Dynamics," in Proc. of APEC Conf., Mar. 2013, pp. 2253–2258.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:33
  • 조회 1,608

This paper proposes a simple and effective method to reduce the torque ripple for torque predictive control (TPC) of permanent-

magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). The proposed minimum torque ripple TPC is a two-step design. The first step is to determine

hysteresis band by using stator flux error in order to apply effective voltage as much as needed by stator flux control. Then, the

second step is to recreate reference voltage vector, by estimating the magnitude and the angle of output voltage vector, which

generates torque that is of equal magnitude to reference voltage vector previously produced by using bandwidth. The predictive

algorithm computes the torque error that would be present by applying each vector and selects the one that contributes with the

minimum error. Finally, the effectiveness of new strategies is verified through simulation. The simulation result proves that proposed

TPC method is very simple and provides excellent steady-state response, quick dynamic performance.

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