
[International Conference] Kiwoo Park, Sung-Tak Jou, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Z-Source Matrix Converter with Unity Voltage Transfer Ratio," in Proc. IECON Conf., Nov. 2009, pp. 4523–4528.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:05
  • 조회 1,828

  This paper proposes a novel Z-source matrix converter structure and a switching technique for unity voltage transfer ratio. The

  conventional matrix converter is well known for its advantages over a DC-linked back-to-back converter, but yet it does not receive

  much attention in the industry owing to its reduced voltage ratio (max. 0.866). To overcome the inherent drawback of the low voltage

  transfer ratio, a novel matrix converter topology employing a Z-source network is introduced, and then the operating principle and

  control scheme are clarified. A simulation of the overall system is carried out and theoretical calculations and feasibility of the

  proposed topology are verified. The results show that the proposed Z-source matrix converter can achieve unity voltage transfer
  ratio by controlling shoot-through zero interval (T0) and the proposed switching strategy can effectively reduce the harmonic

  distortion of output waveforms.

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