
[International Conference] Kiwoo Park and Kyo-Beum Lee, "A Novel Sparse Matrix Converter with a Z-Source Network," in Proc. IECON Conf., Nov. 2009, pp. 4487–4492.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 19:05
  • 조회 1,421

This paper proposes a novel Z-source sparse matrix converter and its modulation strategy. The proposed matrix converter is developed

based on the structure of a sparse matrix converter to reduce the number of unipolar turn-off power semiconductors and employs a

Z-source network to overcome the inherent drawback of the low voltage transfer ratio of the conventional matrix converter. The

proposed modulation strategy utilizes a zero-current commutation method in combination with a Z-source network control scheme,

which eliminates the complex commutation problem. The fundamental operation modes are described and its theoretical equation of

the overall voltage transfer ratio is derived. A simulation of the overall system is carried out and theoretical calculations and feasibility

are verified. The simulation results show that the proposed Z-source sparse matrix converter can achieve unity or higher voltage 

transfer ratio by controlling shoot-through zero interval (T0) with less numbers of unipolar semiconductor power switches and a simple

modulation strategy. 

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