
[International Conference] Kyo-Beum Lee and Frede Blaabjerg, “Performance Improvement of DTC-SVM for Maxtrix Converter Drives Using an Overmodulation Strategy,” in Proc. IPEC (ECCE-Asia) Conf., CD format, May 2005, pp. 629–635.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 17:21
  • 조회 1,444

In this paper, an improved direct torque control (DTC) method for matrix converter drives is proposed which enables to minimize

torque ripple and to obtain unity input power factor, while maintaining constant switching frequency and fast torque dynamics. It is

possible to combine the advantages of matrix converters with the advantages of the DTC strategy using space vector modulation and

a flux deadbeat control. However, drawbacks still exist such as a degrading of dynamic torque response compared to the basic DTC

method. In the proposed scheme, an improved DTC strategy for matrix converter drives is derived using an overmodulation strategy.

Experimental results are shown to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed strategy. 

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