
[International Conference] Chang-Hee Won, Kyo-Beum Lee, Joong-Ho Song, Ick Choy, and Myotaeg Lim, “A Neutral-Voltage-Compensated Sensorless Control of Brushless DC Motors,” in Proc. ICEE Conf., Aug. 2002, pp. 717–722.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 17:14
  • 조회 1,687

This paper presents a sensorless control method for brushless dc motors based on neutral voltage compensation. A neutral voltage

appearing during the normal mode of the inverter operation is found to be an observable and controllable measure, which can be

dealt with for estimating an exact rotor position. It is clear that the estimation error of the rotor position provokes the phase shift

angle between the phase current and the back-EMF waveforms, which causes torque ripple in brushless dc motor drives. The

proposed algorithm can be implemented easily by using the measured dc-link current and the estimated motor speed. The proposed

algorithm is verified by simulation and experiment results. 

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