
[International Journals] Hye-Won Choi, Yun-Jae Bae, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Lifetime Extension of DC-Link Capacitors in Three-Level Inverters Based on the Neutral-Point Current," Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, in press. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2024-05-19 12:18
  • 조회 530

This paper proposes the lifetime extension of DC-link capacitors in three-level inverters based on the neutral-point (NP) current. High-capacity 

inverters require large-size capacitors to maintain robust DC-link voltage. The proposed method suppresses the ripple current of the DC-link 

capacitors by replacing the switching states, which are optimized for two specific modulation index regions in the linear modulation range. The 

reliability of the DC-link capacitors is analyzed using a capacitor lifetime model. The validation of the proposed method is supported by simulation 

and experimental results across various conditions.

Total 291건 1페이지
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