
[Domestic Conference] Woo jin Choi, Eunsil Lee, Kyo-Beum Lee, Young il Lee, and Joong-Ho Song, “Performance Analysis of DTC for Induction Machine Drives With Torque Ripple Minimization Schemes,” ICROS학술대회, pp. 584–585, 2013.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 10:29
  • 조회 1,604

 This paper compares and analyzes the performance of DTC torque ripple minimization schemes of induction machine drive systems introduced up to these days. The DTC has a problem where varied switching frequency and ripple are produced due to the hysteresis controller. As a solution for the DTC, many methods are proposed in which the low constant switching frequency is maintained while minimizing the torque ripples. As a result, through the PSIM simulation, the performance of the torque ripple and response of the proposed methods are compared, analyzed, and verified. 

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