
[Domestic Conference] Xingsi Pu, Kyung-Hyun Kim, Dong-Choon Lee, Kyo-Beum Lee, and Jang-Mok Kim, “Capacitance Estimation of DC-Link Capacitor Considering Temperature Effect,” 전력전자학술대회 논문집, pp. 156–157, 2010.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-28 09:42
  • 조회 1,886

This paper proposes a correction method of capacitance estimation considering the temperature effect for the DC-link capacitor banks in three-phase AC/DC PWM converters. In this work, a sensing circuit using a temperature sensor is designed for measuring the operating temperature. Capacitance value is corrected considering the measured temperature. This method has been implemented in experiment.  

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