
[International Conference] Hyeon-Jun Park, Hyung-Woo Lee, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Dual Magnetic Flux Frame Direct Self Control for Open-End Winding Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with a Constant Switching Frequency," in Proc. ICPE (ECCE ASIA) Conf., May 2023.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2023-06-28 21:21
  • 조회 807

This paper proposes a constant switching frequency direct self control (DSC) which has a dual magnetic flux frame for an open-end winding interior 

permanent magnet synchronous motor (OEW-IPMSM). The conventional DSC, which has a single magnetic flux frame, has the advantages of a low 

switching frequency and fast torque response, as torque and magnetic flux are directly controlled on a stationary reference frame. However, the

conventional DSC has disadvantages of current ripple is large, and the switching frequency varies because a torque hysteresis controller is used for 

torque control. In this study, dual magnetic flux frame and constant frequency torque control (CFTC) are applied to overcome these disadvantages.

To reduce current ripple, the magnetic flux trajectory is formed closer to circle on a stationary reference frame. For constant switching frequency, 

torque is controlled by the CFTC. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method are verified through simulation.

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