
[International Journals] Jun-Ho Hwang, Laith M. Halabi, Youngjong Ko, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Lifetime-based Fault Tolerant Strategy for Three-Level Hybrid ANPC Inverters," Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 23, pp. 363-373, Feb. 2023. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2022-07-29 15:58
  • 조회 1,222

This paper presents a fault tolerant control, which aims at improving reliability of three-level hybrid ANPC inverter. Since the hybrid ANPC inverter

consisting of Si devices and SiC devices has high output quality and low switching losses, it is used in various power conversion industries. However,

there still are concerns to its reliability as employing many power devices prone to failure. The hybrid ANPC inverter is composed of not only switch

devices but also dc-link capacitor, and these components mainly determine the reliability of the system. As one of the strategies to improve the

reliability, a fault tolerant control has been intensively considered. However, applying the fault tolerant strategy shall affect power losses of both

switching devices and dc-link capacitors. Therefore, this paper proposes the lifetime based fault tolerant strategy considering remaining useful lifetime of power devices and dc-link capacitor, which aims at prolonging the lifetime of the whole system. The validity and effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerant control method are verified through simulation and experimental results.

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