
[International Journals] Sadeq Ali Qasem Mohammed and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Improved Adaptive Iterative Learning Current Control Approach for IPMSM Drives," Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 23, pp. 284-295, Feb. 2023. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2022-10-10 20:05
  • 조회 976

The purpose of this paper is to present an improved adaptive iterative learning current control approach for interior permanent magnet synchronous 

motor (IPMSM) drives, which greatly upgrade the performance in both dynamic and steady state scenarios. In the proposed approach, there are three 

types of control terms: feedback control terms, which stabilize state errors and get them closer to zero, as well as iterative learning control terms, 

which enhance transient performance by updating the control commend signals according to the recorded data (i.e., preceding input along with 

current speed and errors) so that they get closer to zero, and adaptive-terms, which compensate for parameter variations. The proposed method 

demonstrates a robust dynamic and steady-state response owing to the incorporation of the three terms stated above, unlike the conventional non-

adaptive ILC, which is sensitive to parameter variations. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified via simulations and an experimental 

analysis conducted, respectively, using a PSIM software tool and an IPMSM test-bed, which employs a TMS320F28335-DSP. The proposed method 

demonstrates more improved transient response (i.e., fast settling time with smaller overshoot) and steady-state resoponse (i.e., less THD along with 

reduced current ripples) compared to conventional methods.

Total 291건 4페이지
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