This paper presents analysis and comparison of different methods to reduce the loworder harmonics for grid-connected inverters. The low-order
harmonics are represented as 5th and 7th harmonics. They are included in the grid currents when different kinds of loads or non-linear loads are
connected to point of common coupling. These low-order harmonics should be reduced because they cause reduced efficiency in power converters.
Various methods to reduce the low-order harmonics have been introduced. These methods can be divided into two groups. One is to control the
harmonics to zero with proportional resonant (PR) controller in the stationary reference frame. The other one is to control the harmonics to zero with
proportional integral (PI) controller in the synchronous reference frame. The PR controller-based method shows better performance than the PI
controller-based method in the harmonic reduction. However, the improved PI controller-based method with band pass filter (BPF) shows almost the
same performance as PR controller-based method. In this paper, different methods for reducing the low-order harmonics are analyzed and compared. Simulation results are used to compare the performance of each method.