
[Domestic Conference] Bong-Keun Kim, Wan Kyun Chung, Kyo-Beum Lee, Joong-Ho Song, and Ick Choy, “Modeling and Synchronizing Motion Control of Twin–servo System,” 한국자동제어학술대회 논문집, pp. 302–305, 1999.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-27 11:40
  • 조회 2,111

Twin-servo mechanism is used to increase the payload capacity and speed of high precision motion control system. In this paper, we

propose a robust synchronizing motion control algorithm to cancel out the skew motion of twin-servo system caused by different

dynamic characteristics of two driving systems and the vibration generated by high accelerating and decelerating motions. This

proposed control algorithm consists of separate feedback motion control algorithm of each driving system and skew motion

compensation algorithm between two systems. Robust model reference tracking controller is proposed as a separate motion controller

and its disturbance attention property is shown. For the synchronizing motions, and the stability of whole closed loop system is proved

based on passivity theory. 

Total 179건 12페이지
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