
[Thesis] Sun-Hang Lee, "스마트 인버터를 위한 계통 지원 기능의 구현 및 분석," 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2022.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2022-03-23 16:42
  • 조회 1,723

This thesis implements and analyzes a grid support function for a smart inverter. Due to environmental and air pollution issues, the installation of 

distributed power using renewable energy has been increased. However, various problems arise when power converters with various output 

characteristics are connected to the system. Therefore, it is necessary to control the output of the inverter according to the voltage and frequency of 

the grid. This is called a grid support function which is mandatory to install the function in some countries. The inverter equipped with a grid support 

function is called the smart inverter. In order to utilize various functions, the smart inverter consists of three boards. First, the main control is a DSP 

board which is equipped with DSP. The main control system is required a digital processor for fast and accurate control. Also, it is necessary to 

share information with communication equipment. The second is a breaker control board for connection between the grid and distributed power 

output. Finally, a sensing board that receives various analog information including voltage and current sensors is required. The grid support function 

for the smart inverter is implemented and analyzed through simulation and experimental results.

Total 973건 13페이지
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