
[International Conference] Jee-Yoon Cha, Byung-Moon Han, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Thyristor-based Bidirectional Hybrid DC Circuit Breaker to Protect Medium-Voltage DC Systems," in Proc. APAP Conf., Oct. 2021.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2021-11-10 09:23
  • 조회 1,345

This paper proposes a thyristor-based bidirectional hybrid DC circuit breaker (HDCCB) to protect Medium-Voltage DC Systems. If a DC fault occurs in a multi-terminal structure where several renewable energy resources are connected, it negatively affects all converters. Therefore, a bidirectional DC

circuit breaker is used to break the fault current and the remaining power is transmitted through the normal DC power network. The proposed HDCCB injects the resonant current of LC circuit into the reverse direction of the fault current. A mechanical switch is opened to break the fault current when 

the current flowing through it becomes zero. The inductive energy in the line is dissipated through the surge arrester ZnO, and the fault current is 

completely broken. The proposed HDCCB has a low conduction loss by using the mechanical switch makes the advantages in terms of cost, reliability, 

and capacity by using the thyristors instead of IGBTs. The effectiveness of the proposed thyristor-based bidirectional HDCCB is verified by simulation 


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