This paper presents the priority selection of AGF (Advanced Grid-support Functions) considering PCC (Point of Common Coupling) voltage fluctuation. Due to environmental pollution problems, the number of distributed power facilities using renewable energy has been increasing recently. Distributed
power facilities have a disadvantage in that the output is not constant because the power is generated based on renewable energy. These
disadvantages further lead to an unstable situation in the grid. An unstable situation in a typical grid is the fluctuation of PCC voltage. PCC voltage
fluctuations are related to active and reactive power and line constant. Such fluctuations in the PCC voltage adversely affect both power providers and consumers and may lead to accidents. To solve this problem, some countries have made AGF mandatory. AGF includes several functions to control
active and reactive power according to PCC voltage fluctuations. The control function reduces PCC voltage fluctuations and supports a stable grid
supply. The priority of AGF is presented considering the control function operation and fluctuation of PCC voltage. The validity of the priority of AGF
presented in this paper is verified through
formulas and simulation results.