
[International Journals] Ibrahim Mohd Alsofyani and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Enhanced Performance of Constant Frequency Torque Controller–Based Direct Torque Control of Induction Machines with Increased Torque-Loop Bandwidth," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 10168-10179, Dec. 2020. -SCI

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-10-12 11:24
  • 조회 1,703

Constant frequency torque controllerbased direct torque control (CFTC-DTC) is emerging as a powerful control strategy for a high

performance control of alternating-current motor drives. Compared to DTC, the CFTC-DTC has less torque and flux ripples with a

fixed switching frequency. Nevertheless, it has a limitation of the torque-loop bandwidth, as it uses the sampling frequency from a

digital signal processor (DSP) to generate a triangular-based carrier. The switching frequency of the control system is determined by

the carrier frequency of the CFTC. The frequency limitation of CFTC leads to sector-flux droop, which causes a distortion in the motor

phase current and aggravation in the torque and speed waveforms at low speed regions. In this paper, we propose a modification

of the frequency carriers of the CFTC-DTC of induction motors to increase the switching frequency and torque loop bandwidth by

replacing the triangular-carrier-based waveform with a ramp-carrier-based waveform. The proposed method is verified by simulation

and experimental results showing its excellent performances in steady- and transient-state operations. 

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