
[International Journals] Sang-Won An, Seok-Min Kim, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Optimized Space-Vector Modulation to Reduce Neutral Point Current for Extending Capacitor Lifetime in Three-Level Inverters," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 97689–97697, May 2020. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-05-18 08:27
  • 조회 2,229

 In this paper, an optimized space-vector modulation (SVM) to reduce DC-link ripple current in three-level inverters is presented. Various types of capacitors can be utilized to balance the voltage in the DC-link of voltage source inverters. Electrolytic capacitors are widely used owing to their large capacitance per volume. However, electrolytic capacitors have a short lifespan because the allowable ripple current is low. A conventional SVM that is focused on improving harmonic characteristics. Therefore, it cannot balance the DC-link ripple current properly because using some voltage vectors increases the DC-link ripple current. To overcome this limitation and extend the lifespan of the capacitors, an optimized SVM is proposed to reduce the DC-link ripple current. The proposed modulation scheme synthesizes the reference voltage by choosing voltage vectors that cause smaller increases in the DC-link ripple current, avoiding those that cause larger increases. The effectiveness of the proposed optimized SVM is verified by simulations and experimental results.

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