
[Domestic Journals] Won Seok Jung, Ye-Ji Kim, Seok-Min Kim, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Open Switch Fault Tolerance Control of Active NPC Inverters With HF/LF Modulation," Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 170–177, Mar. 2020.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-04-08 15:41
  • 조회 2,360

 This paper presents an open-fault tolerance control method for active neutral point clamped (ANPC) inverter with high frequency/low frequency (HF/LF) modulation. By applying the ANPC inverter with SiC MOSFETs and Si IGBTs, the system efficiency and performance can be improved compared to a Si-based inverter. HF/LF modulation is used for a megawatt-scale inverter to minimize the commutation loop. The open-switch failure in megawatt-scale inverter causes severe damage to load and huge expenses when the inverter has been shut-down. The proposed tolerance control of open-switch failure provides continuous operation and improved reliability to the ANPC inverter. The effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerance control is verified by simulation results.

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