
[Thesis] Seok-Myung Kim, "전기자동차용 6.6kW 급 완속 충전기의 최적 설계," 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2020.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2020-03-16 14:34
  • 조회 3,309

This paper proposes optimized design of On-Board Charger for electric vehicles. Currently, 6.6kW system has widely used in electric

vehicles. However, their efficiency has less than 91%. To improve the efficiency of On-Board Charger for electric vehicles, optimized

design is performed in component level. As a result, the performance of this system is increased in vehicle level. The prototype is

developed and test is performed to verify optimized design result including the efficiency. In addition, the validity is verified through

experimental result for the target efficiency and charge status in actual vehicle level. 

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