Yesl Shin, “계통연계형 태양광 플라이백 인버터 시스템의 CLC 출력 필터 설계,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014. > Paper

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Thesis Yesl Shin, “계통연계형 태양광 플라이백 인버터 시스템의 CLC 출력 필터 설계,” 아주대학교 공학석사 학위 논문, 2014.



This paper proposes a design of CLC filter which is the output filter of a flyback type current source inverter (CSI) for a photovoltaic

system. This applied inverting system is micro-inverter, so the capacity and size of the entire system is critical factor for system

evaluation. The proposed CLC filter consists of a conventional CL filter and an additional capacitor. The CLC filter guarantees the

same or better performance about the reduction of current ripple than that of the CL filter. In such a case, the CLC filter is composed

of the capacitor and the inductor with smaller capacity than the components of the CL filter. It can help the applied micro-inverter

to be smaller size and cost less. For the advanced stability of output CL filters, the effect of passive damping methods for the CL

filter is analyzed according to the resistive dampings location. Among these damping methods, the one which has low power

consumption is applied to the CLC filter and the effect of this method is also analyzed. A simulation and experiment are conducted

to verify the performance of the proposed CLC filter and the validity of passive damping method.


  • 40.pdf (1.0M) 6회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-24 11:36:48
Total 169건 6 페이지
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