Sang-Hyeon Lee and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Minimization of DC-Link Ripple Current for Enhancing Reliability in Three-Level Voltage Source Inverters," Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 19, pp. 4205-4214, Sep. 2024. -SCIE > Paper

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International Journals Sang-Hyeon Lee and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Minimization of DC-Link Ripple Current for Enhancing Reliability in Three-Level Voltage Source Inverters," Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 19, pp. 4205-4214, Sep. 2024. -SCIE



This paper proposes a DC-link ripple current minimization strategy to enhance the reliability of three-level voltage source inverters (3L-VSIs). The 

largest current among the three-phase currents flows through DC-link capacitors when a conventional space vector pulse width modulation 

(SVPWM) is applied to the 3L-VSIs. The large DC-link ripple current generates high heat losses in the DC-link capacitors, which shortens their 

lifetime and ultimately reduces the reliability of the 3L-VSIs. To mitigate the problems caused by the large DC-link ripple current, the proposed 

strategy substitutes the small vectors in the switching sequences of the conventional SVPWM with large vectors. As the large vectors induce zero 

DC-link ripple currents, the minimized DC-link ripple currents and resulting extended lifetime of DC-link capacitors can be attained with the 

proposed strategy. In addition, the proposed strategy guarantees the voltage balancing of the DC-link capacitors, which is essential in the operation 

of 3L-VSIs. The performance and feasibility of the proposed strategy are demonstrated by simulation and experimental results.


  • 281.pdf (3.7M) 1회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-09-04 11:09:08
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