Hasan Ali Gamal Al-kaf and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Low Complexity MPC-DSVPWM for Current Control of PMSM Using Neural Network Approach," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 132596-132607, Dec. 2022. -SCIE > Paper

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International Journals Hasan Ali Gamal Al-kaf and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Low Complexity MPC-DSVPWM for Current Control of PMSM Using Neural Network Approach," IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 132596-132607, Dec. 2022. -SCIE



Multilayer neural network-based model predictive control (MLNN-MPC) has received a lot of attention in different power electronic applications. 

However, the computational burden often imposes limitations in low-order DSPs especially if a large number of voltage vectors (VVs) are used. The 

execution time of MLNN-MPC in low-order DSPs is affected heavily by the number of input, output, neurons in the hidden layer, and the type of 

activation function. Furthermore, MLNN contains many parameters that needed to be optimized, such as initial weights, number of iterations, and 

number of neurons. Therefore, in this study, a creative single-layer neural network-based model predictive control with discrete space vector PWM 

(SLNN-MPC-DSVPWM) is proposed to overcome these limitations. The main advantages of the proposed method include easy implementation on 

low-order DSPs, better performance compared with MLNN-MPC, allowing the use of a large number of VVs, and no initialization of lookup tables for 

all VVs. The proposed SLNN is trained using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and results in an execution time of only 8 μs compared with the 

complexity of the conventional MPC-DSVPWM and recent MLNN-MPC methods. The SLNN-MPC-DSVPWM is validated by both simulation and 

experimental results for permanent magnet synchronous motors.  


  • 243.pdf (2.3M) 21회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-12-28 10:14:47
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