Domestic Conference Dae-Jin Baek, Chang-Hee Won, Kyo-Beum Lee, Ick Choy, Joong-Ho Song, and Ji-Yoon Yoo, “Torque Ripple Reduction of BLDC Motors Using Single DC-Link Current Sensor,” 대한전기학회 하계학술대회 논문집, pp. 974–976, 2001.
This paper presents a method to reduce commutation torque ripples occurred during commutation in brushless dc motor drives using
a single DC-link current sensor. In brushless dc motor drives with a single dc current sensor instead of 3-phase line current sensors, it
is noted that dc-link current sensor cannot give any information corresponding to the motor currents during line current commutation
intervals. A new technique to resolve such a problem is dealt with based on a deadbeat current control in which motor armature
voltage command is computed from a dc-link current reference, an actual current and counter emf voltage. The simulation results show
that the proposed method reduces the torque ripple significantly.
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