
[International Journals] Ui-Min Choi and Kyo Beum Lee, “Space vector modulation strategy for neutral-point voltage balancing in three-level inverter systems,” IET Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 1390–1398, Aug. 2013. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-06-30 15:10
  • 조회 1,732

 This study proposes a space vector modulation (SVM) strategy to balance the neutral-point voltage of three-level inverter systems. The proposed method is implemented by combining conventional symmetric SVM with nearest three-vector (NTV) modulation. The conventional SVM is converted to NTV modulation by properly adding or subtracting a minimum gate-on time. In addition, using this method, the switching frequency is reduced and a decrease of switching loss would be yielded. The neutral-point voltage is balanced by the proposed SVM strategy without additional hardware or complex calculations. Simulation and experimental results are shown to verify the validity and feasibility of the proposed SVM strategy. 

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