
[International Journals] Young Jae Lee, Yeongsu Bak, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Control Method for Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Center-Tapped Converters Using a Hybrid Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller," Electronics, vol. 8, no. 705, pp. 1–17, Jun. 2019. -SCIE

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-07-02 15:41
  • 조회 2,245

This paper presents a control method for phase-shift full-bridge center-tapped (PSFB-CT) converters using hybrid fuzzy sliding

mode controllers (SMCs). Conventionally, the output voltage of a PSFB-CT converter is controlled by using a proportional-integral 

(PI) controller. However, the dynamic characteristic of the converter is undesirable, and the converter is not robust to disturbances. 

In order to overcome these disadvantages, the SMC based on PI control has been applied for the PSFB-CT converter. However, there 

is a chattering problem when the SMC gain is increased to improve the dynamic characteristic. In this paper, a control method for 

the PSFB-CT converter using fuzzy logic control is proposed. By varying the gain of the SMC through the fuzzy logic control, not 

only can the dynamic characteristic of the PSFB-CT converter be improved, but the chattering problem can also be relieved. The 

effectiveness of the proposed control method for the PSFB-CT converter was verified by the simulation and experimental results. 

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