
[International Conference] Sung-Soo Jeon, Yeongsu Bak, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "Reduction of DC-Link Voltage Fluctuation for Hydraulic Turbine Generation Systems Using Back-to-Back Converters," in Proc. CENCON Conf., Oct. 2019, pp. 75–78.

  • 글쓴이 관리자
  • 날짜 2019-10-22 17:19
  • 조회 1,880

This paper proposes a reduction of DC-link voltage fluctuation for hydraulic turbine generation (HTG) systems using back-to-back

(BTB) converters. In HTG systems, a BTB converters with two-level topology have been mainly used. Because of its strong points of

being intuitive in circuit diagram and easy to maintain. A switch-open-fault in the grid-stage converter of the BTB converter causes

the fluctuation of DC-link voltage in the BTB converters. It reduces the reliability of the HTG systems. To improve the performance

of the HTG systems generally, supplementary circuits or components and tolerant control methods are required. Therefore, this paper

proposed method to reduce the fluctuation of DC-link voltage when switch-open-fault is happened in the grid-stage converter. The

validity of the proposed method to reduce the fluctuation of DC-link voltage is substantiated by simulation results.

Total 984건 29페이지
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