Samer Saleh Hakami, Sadeq Ali Qasem Mohammed, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "An Optimized Hybrid Unipolar PWM Technique for Ripple Reduction in Flying Capacitor of 5L-ANPC Converters," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in press. -SCI > Paper

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International Journals Samer Saleh Hakami, Sadeq Ali Qasem Mohammed, and Kyo-Beum Lee, "An Optimized Hybrid Unipolar PWM Technique for Ripple Reduction in Flying Capacitor of 5L-ANPC Converters," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in press. -SCI



Five-level active neutral-point-clamped (5LANPC) converters have emerged as promising solutions for various industrial applications owing to their

outstanding performance and control simplicity. Unipolar pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) is a widely adopted control strategy for these converters,

known for its capability to generate a desired five-level output voltage while maintaining balanced dc-link and flying capacitor (FC) voltages. However, unipolar PWM frequently results in significant ripple currents in FCs, potentially diminishing their lifespan and overall system reliability. To address this

challenge, this paper proposes current ripple-reduction strategies over a wide modulation index (MI) range. Six rippleelimination methods are presented and compared against the conventional unipolar PWM. These methods aim to significantly reduce FC current ripples while ensuring acceptable levels of output voltage distortion. A hybrid switching method tailored to accommodate various MI operations is suggested. It can enhance the performance and reliability of these converters in various industrial applications.

Total 968건 1 페이지
Paper 목록
번호 년도 논문명
968 2024 International Journals
967 2024 International Journals
966 2024 International Journals
열람중 2024 International Journals
964 2024 International Journals
963 2024 International Journals
962 2024 International Journals
961 2024 International Journals
960 2024 International Journals
959 2024 International Journals
958 2024 Domestic Conference
957 2024 Domestic Conference
956 2024 Domestic Conference
955 2024 Domestic Conference
954 2024 Domestic Conference
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