International Journals Kiwoo Park and Kyo-Beum Lee, “Hardware Simulator Development for a 3-Parallel Grid-Connected PMSG Wind Power System,” Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 555–562, Sep. 2010. -SCIE
This paper presents the development of a hardware simulator for a 3-parallel grid-connected PMSG wind power system. With the
development of permanent magnetic materials in recent years, the capacity of a PMSG based wind turbine system, which requires a
full-scale power converter, has been raised up to a few MW. Since it is limited by the available semiconductor technology, such large
amounts of power cannot be delivered with only one power converter. Hence, a parallel connecting technique for converters is
required to reduce the ratings of the converters. In this paper, a hardware simulator with 3-parallel converters is described and its
control issues are presented as well. Some experimental results are given to illustrate the performance of the simulator system.
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